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Posts tagged ‘Water pollution’

Save Water, Save Life

Give me peace; give me the right to live. My dear opponents, co-promoters of tranquil environment, judges, guests, ladies and gentlemen I am craving for my right to live.

I am at peace as if I were in a deep sleep but I was aroused by the clamor of perilous world. This perplexed reality challenges me to scrutinize its existence. Barely out of my innocent world, the mystery of life mesmerizes me. But young as I am, I am ready to appeal to you to preserve your world, our world from environmental destruction.

These concerns grant me to hear a spasmodic perpetual voice of flowing water that scream for help and show me the reproach destiny of our degrading environment. Yet, I have no regret of being here, alive.

I would like to tell you this, to all of you here – water is life. I cannot conquer life without water. For it beats my thirst when I am parched, freshen me up with its droplets during rainy days, gives strength to swollen with pride, hope to fight for and life to live with. For without water I am nothing for it depletes my existence.

Subsequently, water is one of the most precious gifts that God gave us. As to surmise its presence, considered to be our means to survive. A vintage characteristic that only water possessed as the world needs it for life. Most of us don’t really notice how significant it is. Our beautiful rainforests which host of the ferocious and to the tiniest animals need water in order to survive. Our sky, which holds many birds and the beautiful rainbow, the brown fertile soil, which we use to grow delicious food and unusual plants, water, has an enormous part for them to exist in this world. Likewise, water holds whole marine life which serves as one of the sources of the food we eat. Therefore, water is distinctively significant.

I would like to ask you all. Do we value it? I think we’re not.

We are now in the New Age, Modern or Postmodern World as they said. Do you think it could help to our problem? Or it is one way of throwing away our desired future by degrading our environment. As of today, I do not know when and where I can drink safe water. There is now misconception whether – water is life or water is a threat.

One of the serious ecological problems that we Filipinos are facing is water supply. The Philippines has a total of 384 major river systems, 59 lakes and more than 10,000 hectares of fresh water swamps for domestics, industrial, agricultural and power generation purposes. But because of increasing contamination of river system due to destruction of watersheds and consequent soil erosion as well as the dumping of mine tailings, water flow has been greatly reduced such that fresh water shortage, especially potable water will become major concern in the very near future. In major urban areas, this problem has come.

As urbanization proliferates, water solution problems have expanded. These problems are particularly deep-rooted in increasing of more concentrated amounts of solid waste and sewage containing our water resources. That is why; our access to clean water is becoming an acute problem. Untreated wastewater spreads disease. Bacteria and viruses make water not suitable for drinking and recreational use, constitute an admonition of jeopardy against biodiversity, diminishes economic stability and household productivity and deteriorates overall essential characteristics of human life. In addition to that, be tantamount to higher incidence of infectious and parasitic diseases. This is a cause for alarm because of its rapid existence so as the causes and consequences of water pollution will warrant even greater attention.

Given this scenario, the country realizes that the quality of life of the future Filipinos may be compromised by how past and present generations consume and use limited critical life-containing resources. It is believed that the only rational way for us to preserve our water resources for the life of today and for the future generation is by taking action through upholding development without excruciating the right of water to breathe. To do that, let us start with ourselves. In deftness way, we can find out some ways to obliterate water pollution albeit not just in a click but little by little.

Our future relies on our hands as we are the painter of our dreams and an architect or our desired future. We all know that polluting our water resources could affect our life, still we continue doing it. We are the victims of or own crime. We are the serial killer of our own life. Let us save water now. We will not wait for tomorrow. We will perform our sense of duty as rational being. Water gives us life, now it is our time to act in response to give water the fullest life again.

Despite the fact that I am still young, my simple way of preserving water could greatly help in changing the world for her greatness. From now on, I do commit myself to take good care, save and conserve water. I would like to perform my duty as the hope my country. I will start it today since I know we deserve to be in peace and it’s our right to live in peace. We shouldn’t be blinded. Let’s open our eyes to reality that our country needs healthy Filipinos who will build and lead the Philippines, Filipinos that soar high with clean water in peaceful living. It would not be impossible if we work hand in hand in preserving water as we save life.

I challenge you now to do your part by taking action in preserving your life by preserving water. It’s your own prerogative whether you will be one of me or not. You have still enough time to do it, now. Can you?


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